
Jamie Gypsy Smut~ateer

Time to get lost in some books,....that is if I ever figure out this website. ;)

25 Following

Currently reading

Wethering the Storm
Samantha Towle

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Jamie *Gypsy Smut-a-teer* has read 118 books toward her goal of 125 books.
Bared by Him: - Red Garnier

Gah, I was so looking forward to Cade's story. He was the total silent type and I love those. I must say he fell a lot faster than I thought he would, but this story had a little twist in it that had me holding back tears. I've loved this series and highly recommend it. Each story is 100-120 pages, but they aren't too rushed, have a really good story line with lots of hot sex, and rich possessive alpha males. Great in between series. :)